Campers will

Look under logs
Hike in the woods
Climb trees
Build forts
Create art
Take pictures
Learn to fish
Build science & engineering skills
Be better prepared for the school year
Look under logs
Hike in the woods
Climb trees
Build forts
Create art
Take pictures
Learn to fish
Build science & engineering skills
Be better prepared for the school year
"[Kiddo] loved Forest Camp so much last year and has been talking about it non stop since the summer ended."
- Forest Camper parent 2024
"Thank you so much for approving my scholarship application. This makes summer camp possible for my daughter when it otherwise would not have been!
- Camp parent 2023
"My favorite thing about the UEC’s summer camps is that you see so many things that you couldn’t have seen anywhere else."
- Summer Camper 2023

Important Notes

Email & Health Info

To complete registration, you will need to provide an email address, your child’s current health information and immunization records.
A squirrel wearing sunglasses standing next to a sign that says "Adventure, Exploration, Curiosity."

Wait Lists

If a camp session is full, you can add your child to the wait list or choose a different session.

Grade Completed

Any reference to your child’s grade is referring to the grade completed by June 2025.

Sign In or Create an Account

Find the sign in link in the above right corner of the registration page.
To Register by Mail
Please request paper registration form by contacting Return it to:
Urban Ecology Center, 1500 E. Park Place, Milwaukee, WI 53211.

Registration Pro-tips

We recommend registering online using a computer or tablet rather than a mobile device, if possible.
Registration for summer camps opens February 3, 2025 and will remain open until camps are full or one week before each sessions. Space is limited and some camp sessions will fill quickly. 

Get ready for registration!

Gather these three things:
Camper's Immunization Information
Camper's Health History
Payment Method

Browse Camps

Let's choose your camp! Look for the list to the left of the camps to filter by age/grade, camp week, location, and availability. Click on the camp to see all of the details.

If there are spots left, click Non-scholarship or Scholarship. No spots left? Join the waitlist!


Sign in / Create an account

In the upper right hand corner next to the Back to Home button are two options: Create an account and Sign in.
Signing in or creating an account helps us answer your questions more efficiently.


  • Choose the non-scholarship button
  • Select a price
  • Enter the camper's name and your email in the Registrant section
  • Continue as instructed
  • Choose the Scholarship button
  • Enter 1 for "quantity"
  • Enter the camper's name and your email in the Registrant section
  • Enter your scholarship code
  • Continue as instructed
To save time, we recommend registering for multiple camp sessions or children in the same session. This will give you the option to auto-fill the lengthy registration form, which you can then edit as needed.

Before and After Care

Before and After Care are offered for enrolled campers during the weeks they are enrolled in camp. You can choose to sign up for the whole week or for individual days. Not sure what days you'll need Before/After Care? These are also available to add later. To add individual days, select your preferred week, then the link for “Show individual events”. 

Scholarship Discounts

We offer need-based scholarships on a sliding-fee scale based on family income and number of children in the household. To apply for sliding-fee scale scholarship, please complete the form found here:

Cart Timeout

Carts will time out after 24 hours and empty of all items added.
You're ready!

Daily Schedule

Before & After Care Fees:
$20 per day
NO Before and After Care on dates when there are no camps.
8:00 - 9:15 am
Before Care — Activities available for an additional fee
9:15 - 9:30 am
Camp Drop Off — All campers can be dropped off as early as 9:15 am.
9:30 am - 3:30 pm
Camp Day
3:30 - 3:45 pm
Camp Pick Up — For campers not attending After Care
3:45 pm - 5:00 pm
After Care — Activities available for an additional fee. Kid(s) must be picked up no later than 5 pm. Late fees will apply for each child per 15 minutes or portion thereof.
Ready to see what’s in store this summer?
Browse Camps