Note: This camp is a non-licensed early childhood program

Deer and Damselflies Quest WP8

Do you dream of imaginary lands, treasure-hunting and battling beasts? Explore natural phenomena through local woodlands and waterways and join the bravest of heroes through a choose-your-own-adventure roleplaying game throughout the week. Campers will develop characters, settings and challenges based on the natural world, local ecosystems and adventure activities such as biking or paddling.

¿Sueñas con tierras imaginarias, búsquedas de tesoros y batallas contra bestias? Elige tu propia aventura en este campamento tipo juego de rol para explorar los bosques, ríos y estanques locales como el más ávido de los héroes de tus cuentos favoritos. Los campistas desarrollarán personajes, escenarios y desafíos basados ​​en el mundo natural, los ecosistemas locales y actividades de aventura como andar en bicicleta o remar.

Grade Completed
Ages 3-4
with accompanying adult
August 11-14 (no camp Friday 8/15)
9:30am - 3:30pm
Daily schedule
9:45 - 11:45am
4 Weeks
Washington Park
1500 E. Park Pl.3700 W. Pierce St. 1859 N. 40th St.
Before and After Care available for this camp:
August 11-14 (no camp Friday 8/15)
Washington Park
Cancellation Policy
Please inform us of cancellations as soon as possible. Refunds may be issued as follows:
  • 30 days or more: full camp fees less $45 administrative fee
  • 15 days – 29 days: half camp fees
  • 14 days or less: no refund
How to be ready for registration
Gather these three things:
Camper's Immunization Information
Camper's Health History
Payment Method

Daily Schedule

Before & After Care Fees:
$20 per day
NO Before and After Care on dates when there are no camps.
8:00 - 9:15 am
Before Care — Activities available for an additional fee
9:15 - 9:30 am
Camp Drop Off — All campers can be dropped off as early as 9:15 am.
9:30 am - 3:30 pm
Camp Day
3:30 - 3:45 pm
Camp Pick Up — For campers not attending After Care
3:45 pm - 5:00 pm
After Care — Activities available for an additional fee. Kid(s) must be picked up no later than 5 pm. Late fees will apply for each child per 15 minutes or portion thereof.