For Registered Families

Camper rules & expectations

Below are expectations and rules campers abide by while attending a UEC Summer Camp. Please review the documents below and share with your child before attending camp.

Camper Expectations Agreement (PDF)

Thank you for signing up for Summer Camp at the Urban Ecology Center (UEC)! We’re excited for days filled with fun, exploration, and new friendships!

We've included general information below to help you and your camper have a smooth start to your session.

Please note:

  • You’ll receive an email 1–2 weeks before each camp session with details, including counselor information, weekly reminders, and what to bring.
  • For multi-week camps, information will be sent out before the first week.

Backpack–Please send your child with a backpack they can carry throughout the day. In their backpack will be their lunch, water bottle, and extra clothes. Please label your child’s backpack with their name in a conspicuous area so they don’t get mixed up.

Backpack–Please send your child with a backpack they can carry throughout the day. In their backpack will be their lunch, water bottle, and extra clothes. Please label your child’s backpack with their name in a conspicuous area so they don’t get mixed up.

Backpack–Please send your child with a backpack they can carry throughout the day. In their backpack will be their lunch, water bottle, and extra clothes. Please label your child’s backpack with their name in a conspicuous area so they don’t get mixed up.

Frequently Asked Questions

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